Saboten Hi Rock Hi Rarity
Keep in mind what I said about the color rarity being different depending on the geographical area.(For a discussion on origins of the colors in sea glass, go to ) Sea Glass - Rarity Chart Below Shows Relative Rarity of ColorsMost of our sea glass has been collected on the beaches of:. The Strait of Juan de Fuca in Washington as well as. Northern California.
Saboten Hi Rock Hi Rarity Chart
The Chesapeake Bay in Maryland. Southeastern Lake Erie. Northern Peru, South America.Friends and family have helped contribute a few nice pieces to our collection.Here goes!
There are many, many colors that don't fit an exact color category.For example, David found one that the best way to describe it is a smoky dark prune-gray color. It could be classified as pale purple (perhaps) or a gray.One area will have some of the rarer colors as more common or vice versa.For example, we found a lot of cobalt blue on our local beach when we lived in the State of Washington. On that beach cobalt-colored sea glass was not very rare.On the other hand, at our local beach while living in Peru, teal was fairly abundant and cobalt was more rare.On other beaches you might find that cobalt or teal or another less rare color may be among the rarest of colors for that particular beach. ( For LOL - in case you find a beach where brown is rare and orange is common, let me know immediately Lin )Again, this sea glass rarity chart in general is pretty accurate.What colors do you find to be the rarest?Feel free to make comments on our forums pages or below in the Facebook comments.Note also that the above colors don't represent the wide array of hues or tints that are found in sea glass.Just find the closest on this color rarity chart and you'll get an idea of about how rare it is. We love receiving your comments, but please read the notes below before posting. Thank you!NOTES:.All comments are moderated. If you leave the page you won't see your comment until it is approved.Select the 'Post to Facebook' check box to be notified on FB when a reply has been posted.If you scan the previous comments you may find an answer to your question.

Click the 'View X more' link at the bottom (if visible) to see all comments.Photos - If you would like to include a photo, please use our.Questions - If you have a question, it may already be answered.
International Arcade Museum - About Us Machines:Search Machines:International Arcade Museum® - About RarityRarity is NOT necessarily an indication of value.