Lineage 1 Bot Programmer
DISCLAIMER- This is a very old article. I noticed there’s people still linking it as if it’s today’s news all over the place. NCsoft in Korea is currently having massive lawsuits with botters/bot companies.200,000 concurrent players on; It’s an achievement indeed worthy of praise. A dream of any Korean game development company was made reality by NCsoft’s Aion.
Ever since the Lineage series, countless MMOs came and went; all fading away or self-satisfied with 10,00020,000 concurrent players.Then came Aion. Although it was received with great enthusiasm to begin with, it sent a shock wave through the entire Korean gaming market. Despite PC cafes’ boycotts, Aion pushed ‘Sudden Attack’ off its long held #1 most played list. Not only that, NCsoft announced that they have reached 200,000 concurrent players on their servers just 5 days after its release.

Lineage 1 Bot Programmers
With such force, Aion also received the Korean Game of the Year Award. TakJin Kim, the CEO of the NCsoft, receiving the awardConsidering that it was released around the same time as Blizzard’s World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King, Aion’s success was purely remarkable. However, what if all this success, including the 200,000 concurrent players, is in danger of falling apart?InVen received a shocking report from a player in a Legion that achieved the first max level title. He told us that Aion was completely taken over by bots, and that the concurrent player statistic was largely because of the number of bots in the game. He also claimed that NCsoft wasn’t doing anything about the bots, hence my investigation began.Aion is relentlessly adding new servers to keep up with ever increasing number of players.
However, the problem was that new servers were especially more prone to bot infestation, and that it came to the point where regular players found it impossible to lvl up. The most recently added server, 토르, was named the ‘Bot-Utopia’ by its players.A post by G글래머B비욘세 of 토르 server found at official Aion homepageI can’t say that it’s only us who are suffering from bot infestation, but I’d have to say that no other server is in such a bad state as ours. The fields are completely taken over by bots. I’m saying this with conviction and without exaggeration. As soon as you leave the town, bots showing up on the sides of the roads. Every place that spawns a monster has a bot standing on it.I was stunned by this sight. The number of bots almost match the number of monsters in the fields.
How could this happen? How are legitimate players supposed to lvl? We can’t do anything but give up. It’s not possible to compete.Why? Because the botters smartly place characters 38 levels above the monsters that spawn. The player that’s at the level of the place cannot outdamage bots 38 levels above them.
If you try, you just end up helping them kill faster. I have to wonder, is NCsoft even capable to stopping this? A chat with a player at 토르 server90% of the Elyos are botslvl3038 are almost all botsnot just botting, but 90%of them are using hacks toothe amazing thing is thatNCsoft is doing absolutely nothingThe situation has passed far beyond the point of complaints by few players. 토르 server message board is filled with bot complaints and condolence visits by players from other servers. The fact that a lvl 45 came out just two weeks after server was even created just further proves the severity of the situation. Many condolencesWhy are bots so heavily concentrated on new servers?
That’s because there is no character creation restriction on new servers. From the botters’ point of view, old servers with more high lvl players and active economy are actually more attractive.However, most old servers have character creation restrictions due to their high populations, blocking further botters’ from joining them.
Currently, accounts with characters on old servers are being sold for 100,000200,000 won (about 100200 dollars) regardless of their level or gear. This is because it’s the botters’ only way of entering the old servers.The max level gladiator who brought up this issue is from 시엘 server, one of the early servers with creation restriction. They stand together on the same spot to wait, go out to kill when a mob spawns, then they go back to their original spot againNCsoft recently made announcements that they’ll deal with bots not just in game but in court as well. They also sent warnings to top 12 bot sales sites that they’ll be prosecuted in court if they don’t stop. On Dec 3, NCsoft CEO TakJin Kim even attended the Game Industry Improvement Debate and discussed ways to stop botting with the secretary of culture.However, many criticized that these appearances are indeed just outer appearances for the camera. While thousands of players are complaining that there are more bots than regular players in the game, only 720 accounts were banned as of Dec 18.
It’s been a month and 20 days since open beta began and a month since Aion went retail. Yet, out of 37 servers, the number of accounts banned for botting totals only 3,062. Yet the number of bots caught during half a month = 720It’s a sharp contrast compared to Blizzard in early days of World of Warcraft, when many hacks and botting programs were running rampant, when Blizzard responded by banning in thousands everyday. If I remember correctly, I remember the new areas lagging immensely due to the thousands of players starting new characters after getting their main characters banned. While the lag was quite unpleasant, Blizzard’s strong actions against hacks worked, and the number of people using them decreased visibly.It was the same for other Korean MMORPGs.
Because bots and Chinese farmers were always leaving their games in ruins, many came up with variety of ways to fight them. For example, Rohan’s cuff system received lots of criticism and left some innocent players victimized, but players were able to see the company’s will to fight the bots.Right now, Aion has taken up almost no extra measures against bots. While NCsoft is definitely showing a lot of flash in public like no one has ever done before, there’s very little being done in game. Since Aion was designed to target Asian market with high currency value, many predict that these bots and farmers will not go away easily.Bots and Number of concurrent players, must break their twisted linkTo be honest, the bot issue and the currency trading was there since the beginning of Lineage series. From the company’s point of view, bots, regardless of their illegitimacy, also pay the subscription fee like the regular players and count for concurrent player statistics, so they might have the mindset of “it’s ok if they are paying”.However, these bots and active currency trading may seem like a positive for the day, but that will not be long lived.
Tomorrow, the game will turn into a ghost town where bots and farmers determine everything. The players who played and loved the game will feel lost and betrayed. It’ll shatter everything in the end.This is clearly not the road for success. This is quite the opposite of ‘Becoming the top MMORPG company acknowledged by the world gaming community and placing Korea as the leading nation in the MMORPG industry’.
I really hope that Aion will realize their priorities, and create a game environment where every player would play happily, and become the true #1 game from Korea.PS. – We haven’t touched on the endless reports on character imbalances. Let’s see an end to the bots first. WoW and L2 are different story.In WoW money is not needed to survive, almost all end-game items are bind on pickup, so you need to get them yourself. Money in WoW just helps with lvling, so actually there is no need for players to buy it from farmers – the needs are low.L2 – Adena = power = overenchanted weapons, bsoe, brez, cp pots, etc etc so they are requirements for the end-game players.As I my reckon says – Aion will be like WoW, where in end-game money doesn’t matter much. Botters prepare themselves for getting money for peeps that will be lvling soon or the chars for sell.Same thing happened when Franz was born. I could say that like 90% of the players were bots and they sold adena for insane prices.
Anyway NCSoft did a good job banning bots during first three weeks.Anyone this all stuff made me sad, funny all your links/sources don’t work, but I know NCSoft reality and actually it all sounds probable. //CrapHappensI see your point butAion is not like WoW. It places some focus on money. 1st, the gear you can acquire from questing/instancing is limited or have low drop rate. It ends up to where most people are farming Qinas to buy their gear off AH. Crafting masters, needless to say, are making billions right now. There’s several interviews with crafting masters:s I just haven’t bothered with them yet.
You also have to pay for Kiosks (mobile Graveyard), HP pots, DP foods, flight time pots, and wings (All of them are extremely crucial for abyss life)It’s not as severe as L2 but it’s there.As to links don’t working, im not sure what you’re talking about. If Original Link button isn’t working for some reason, just visit yourself. It’s the icon in front page that says NC. Thanks for showing everyone Elliot.
It makes me sad because i’ve been playing L2 for about 4 years now and i’ve been waiting 3 years for aion to come out.Yes it’s true, if you report a bot in L2 the gm’s will do nothing. Simple reason that NCsoft does not pay their gm’s. All the money goes straight into the developers pocket.NCsoft does make great games but the way they manage them completely ruins legit players experiance with the game.Lineage 2 was a great game up until chronicles 3 came out and the gm’s no longer supported the players and left everyone felling betrayed.Although I’m not suprized to see this going on because i’ve known how ncsoft works for a while now, it still makes me sad to see another great game go to bot heaven. Last time i checked l2walker was still thereThere were some rumors when the site was down for some time and some qq’s from those lolbotters @ l2blah but nothing more.Really don’t expect anything else.All has to do with profit.Blizzard doesnt need bot programs to make profit so they sued bot makers and closed them.NC,especially with lineage2 which doesnt have a source of new players, they just keep the bots and trying to make the life of nonbotters a bit easier.Actually i think that fantasy mmorpg’s are already kinda surfeited so NC is doing what knows better to have profit with Aion. I’ve been playing kr retail since beta in my 4x’s now.
Yea I see alot of bots but the bots I see are usually the same handful of bots. The rmt’s have a good market in Aion. Everything is stupid expensive from players and npc. Drop rates are total bs. I’ve gone levels without even finding a white item.

Crafting is expensive and beyond difficult (or will cost u 40m if you were to buy the mats) to unlock 400pt (need 400 or dont even bother crafting. There will be more bots as long as the game’s economy works the way it does. Ncsoft needs to fix the game economy leaving less people to turn to rmting gold and there will be less bots.