Wellflo Software Download
EPS is a client server based event photography software that is easy to setup and run. Customers can view images on networked preview stations while the photographer adds and administer from the server.
EPS has no programmed limit to the number of preview stations that can be used, it's preview module is written work on older computers running Windows 2000 as well as Windows XP and Vista.Included modules are CopyCopy to quickly upload new images to the system, Categorizer to categorize uploaded images, BackOffice to administrate placed orders. ClientView is the customer preview module that allows for either the customer or a sales person to place orders.
EPS extends its functionality through several additional plug-ins.Version 2.1.12 improves performance for additional viewing stations. Full Specifications What's new in version 2.1.12Version 2.1.12 improves performance for additional viewing stations.GeneralPublisherPublisher web siteRelease DateJuly 22, 2008Date AddedJuly 22, 2008Version2.1.12CategoryCategorySubcategoryOperating SystemsOperating SystemsWindows 2000/XP/VistaAdditional RequirementsWindows 2000/XP/VistaDownload InformationFile Size64.22MBFile NameEPS2112.zipPopularityTotal Downloads20,353Downloads Last Week21PricingLicense ModelFree to tryLimitations30-day trialPrice$249.

Orifice MeterThe orifice application analyzes the flow through orifice for the simulation and design purposes. Based on the AGA Report No.
31, it provides the following solutions to the questions regarding a orifice and metering:. The flow rate through an orifice. The required orifice diameter.
The differential pressure. The Run diameter at Beta = 0.7 and 50″ water column. Fully recovered downstream pressureFor the gas flowing through the orifice, the critical flow is checked and modified automatically.This application is designed for both liquid and natural gas. Vessel VolumeThe main objective of the Vessel Volume is to calculate the volume of the liquid inside of a horizontal pressure vessel. Other values such as vessel external surface area and wetted surface area are also calculated.Type of Vessel head:. Flat.
Hemispherical. Ellipsoidal with a specific ratioLiquid content can be specified by:. Liquid depth. Liquid depth (% of ID). Liquid volume (%)Following vessel parameters will be calculated:.
Volumes of vessel, liquid, and per head. Idm keygen download. Areas. Liquid depth. Liquid depth-volume from 0% to 100% depth with step 10%. Engineering SoftwareAspen HYSYS® V7.3 – Hysys is the benchmark process simulator, against which all others are measured.
It is used as a backup tool, detailed investigation reviews, and/or a way of verifying simulator confidence.BR&E Promax – Promax is an industry recognized, robust process simulation software used for general process design as well as detailed evaluations of dehydration options.Compression – Gas Liquids Engineering Ltd. (GLE) has access to a full complement of compressor vendor software packages, including:. Ariel Performance. GE Oil and Gas Viper and EZ-Size.
Wellflo Software Download

Weatherford Wellflo Software Download
Dresser-Rand DRSize. Cooper Cameron Cascade and CompassElectrical Heat Trace – Gas Liquids Engineering Ltd. (GLE) has access to a full complement of electrical heat tracing software packages, including:. Chromalox ChromaTrace 3.0. Pentair TraceCalc Pro.
Thermon CompuTraceETAP – Electrical Power System Analysis & Operating Software is a full spectrum analytical engineering software company specializing in the analysis, simulation, monitoring, control, optimization, and automation of electrical power systems.Fekete FAST Piper – Fekete Piper is available for use in gathering system modeling.Flaresim – Flaresim is a highly developed and sophisticated flare simulation/design application. Designed by professional engineers, for professional engineers, it models thermal radiation and noise footprints generated by flare systems for offshore platforms, gas plants, refineries and chemical plants, and predicts the temperature of exposed surfaces within range.Neotec Pipeflo – Gas Liquids Engineering Ltd. (GLE) has extensive experience using Neotec Pipeflo to model large gathering system pipeline networks, including use of the software for sizing pipelines as well as predicting liquid hold-up and slug volumes.
Neotec also provides Gas Liquids Engineering with access to Wellflo and OLGA.Protreat – ProTreat® software was originally developed for simulating processes for the removal of H2S, CO2, and mercaptans from a variety of high and low pressure gas streams by absorption into thermally regenerable aqueous solutions containing one or more amines. Recently added capabilities include the physical solvent DMPEG (dimethylether of polyethyleneglycol) for acid gas removal, and dehydration using triethylene glycol (TEG). It also allows for the physical solvent DMPEG (dimethylether of polyethyleneglycol) for acid gas removal, and dehydration using triethylene glycol (TEG). The ProTreat package makes exclusive use of a column model that treats the separation as a mass transfer rate process. This completely eliminates the need for empirical adjustments to simulate new applications correctly.
Equilibrium stages and user-supplied estimates of tray efficiencies and HETPs are avoided, and columns are modeled with the number of real trays and physical depth of real packing they actually contain.Rockwell Automation Toolkit – Automation configuration software suite.VMGSim – VMGSim is a comprehensive, fully interactive process simulation for oil, gas and chemical industries. VMGSim is the default simulation tool utilized at Gas Liquids Engineering. VMGSim also includes dynamic simulation capability.Wonderware InTouch – HMI and SCADA configuration software.
Project Management SoftwareOn Track Project Manager – OnTrack Project Manager is a complete, transaction-based, integrated project execution software and the most comprehensive, reliable, and fully automated procurement system for engineering professionals.PHA-Pro – Industry recognized software for process hazard analysis. This software is used globally for tracking project safety risks, HAZOP’s, LOPA, and safety system analyses.Primavera – Primavera is a high-performance project management software, designed to handle large-scale, highly sophisticated and multifaceted projects. It can be used to organize projects up to 100,000 activities, and it provides unlimited resources and an unlimited number of target plans. Proprietary SoftwareAQUAlibrium – Software designed for systems containing water, hydrogen sulphide, carbon dioxide, and hydrocarbons. It has a well-deserved reputation for being amongst the most accurate software for equilibrium calculations in these types of systems.GLE Engineering Database – Centralized database for engineering project information including equipment lists, instrument index, load list, cable schedules, etc.GLESource – Proprietary software for basic design calculations, preparation of data sheets and equipment sizing.GLEWPro – A Windows application to estimate the phase, property and flowing profiles along the well bore. It applies the most comprehensive thermodynamic model of flow available in the well bore.
Enhanced by the AQUAlibrium Phase Equilibrium Engine, GLEWPro is capable of handling the phase changes in the well bore, the heat transfer between the stream and formation, and the flowing behaviors from wellhead to bottom hole.MassTrak – An OPC client application used to monitor the streams of a gas facility and provide a detailed material balance for desired components. By obtaining real-time measurements from facility measurement equipment, MassTrak calculates real-time cumulative material balances, utilizing detailed data management and the most accurate possible modeling for stream flowrates and material content. This allows MassTrak to generate the highest accuracy reports for Acid Gas Injection, or CO2 credit reports in accordance with the Kyoto protocol.