Bicycle Thieves Film Mp3 Free Download

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  2. Bicycle Thieves Film Mp3 Free Download Songs
Bicycle thieves film mp3 free download songs

Bicycle Thieves Malayalam Movie

Thieves is a simple story set amidst a post-war Rome. It is a neorealist film characterized by setting the story amongst the poor and working class. The film surrounds the difficult economical and moral conditions of post WWII Italy, reflecting the conditions of everyday life: Poverty and desperation, with the implicit message that in a better society, wealth would be more evenly distributed. The plot is simple, surrounding a man, his son and a bicycle.

The film tells a story of Antonio Ricci, an unemployed worker who finally gets a job to paste advertisements in the city of Rome.To keep this job, he must have a bicycle, in which his wife, Maria had to pawn their bed linens to get money to redeem their bicycle. However, early in the film, the bicycle is stolen while Antonio is at work and so the remainder of the film is spend on showing he and his son, Bruno attempting to search for it. Do Not WasteYour TimeOnly $13. 90 / pageMise-en scene will be use to discuss the ideological function of the film was well as its social function within the film. Set in post-war Italy, where unemployment is relatively prevalent (25% unemployment rate), people are desperate to have a job.This can be seen in the opening scene where a group of people had gathered outside an employment office, waiting every morning for news, with hope that they will hear their names being called and get a job. Antonio was one of those who were called, but the job requires a bicycle in which Antonio had pawned it earlier. As he hesitates and ponders on how to redeem back his bicycle, the others around him are eager to take over his job, but due to different skills (some are bricklayers), they were not able to do so.When Maria pawned their bed linens and redeems back the bicycle, the scene moves to show towering piles of pawned laundry, this indicates that the Ricci family is not alone in its economic plight.

The techniques employed in the mise-en scene meet the most exacting specification of Italian neorealism. The film was shot on the streets with real passerby entrenched in it. Not one scene was shot in a studio. This further creates authenticity of the film and shows the hardship that the people face during that period. As for the actors, none had the slightest experience in theater or film.Antonio (Lamberto Maggiorani) was a factory worker in Breda factory, Bruno (Enzo Staiola) was found hanging around in the street and Maria (Lianella Carell) was a journalist.

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Despite his age, Bruno already plays a mature role in the family, as can be seen in him working. Nonetheless, dressed like his father in overalls, he remains at his father’s side or in his shadow. We first see him proudly cleaning the newly reclaimed bicycle, and he gently rebukes his father for not complaining to the pawnshop workers about a dent for which they are responsible.Bruno’s self-assured walk and obedience to his father’s authority are nothing compared to the love for his father we see in his eyes. In addition, Bruno serves as his father’s moral compass: “What are you, my conscience? ” Antonio asks, annoyed, moments after striking him.

As his father’s conscience, but also as his son and friend, Bruno suffers public humiliation with him. One distinct prop that the movie uses is the bicycle.

Bicycle Thieves Film Mp3 Free Download Songs

The brand name of Antonio’s bicycle, Fides, which means “faith” or, even more ironically for this story, “reliance. ” (Nothing could be less reliable than that red bicycle. ) This can be seen in many scenes.For example, right at the beginning of the movie, the bicycle is introduced when the government officer emphasized on having a bicycle to do the job (the emphasis placed also shows the relative importance of the bicycle).

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