World Air Transport Statistics 56th Editions Atlas

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World air transport statistics 56th editions atlas 1
  1. World Air Transport Statistics 56th Editions Atlas 1
  2. World Air Transport Statistics 56th Editions Atlas Edition

World Air Transport Statistics 56th Editions Atlas 1

DUBLIN-( )-The report has been added to Researchand Markets' offering.The upward trend in seasonally-adjusted (SA) passenger traffic moderatedduring the first six months of the year. This was due to a combinationof headwinds from numerous terrorist attacks, political instability, anda subdued economic backdrop. Traffic on the Asia-Europe market wasparticularly sensitive to the terror-related disruption in Europe.The second half of the year, however, saw an acceleration in the growthtrend, with RPKs growing at an annualized pace of nearly 9% between Juneand December. This pick-up reflected a combination of passengerschoosing to disregard terrorist efforts to scare people off travel andtourism as well as a moderate upturn in the global economic cycle.Passenger demand was also supported by lower yields during 2016.

World Air Transport Statistics 56th Editions Atlas Edition

Despitethe recovery in oil prices during the year, the average price of abarrel of jet fuel in 2016 was 22% lower than in the previous year.This partly reflects differing hedging practices within the industry,which can delay the impact of oil price movements on airline fuel bills.Jet fuel prices climbed to around $60 a barrel at the end of 2016-nearlytwice the-year low-point reached in January 2016, although still muchlower than average between 2011 and 2014.Large shifts in foreign exchange markets meant that movements in globaljet fuel prices were not felt evenly across airlines and regions. In amirror image of the case in 2015, limited recoveries in a number ofemerging market currencies against the US dollar-notably the Russianrouble, Brazilian real, and the South African rand-partially shieldedairlines in such countries from the full rise in US dollar-based jetfuel prices. By contrast, sharp falls in the Mexican peso and theTurkish lira, exacerbated the rise in fuel prices, particularly inlate-2016.Key Topics Covered:1. Demand for Air Transport 20162. Performance of the Air Transport Industry 20163. Rankings 20164. GlossaryFor more information about this report visit.

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