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The complete inverse of, Defictionalization is the transformation of a product or object from a movie, book or other fictional source into a real item in the real world. Almost always done as a merchandising tie-in that helps promote the source, and provides an additional revenue stream to boot.This can become strange if the product becomes highly recognized. A viewer who doesn't know about the defictionalization may see its appearance in the original source as blatant product placement, or even as a straight documentary.A of.
Related to which is when fiction (further) popularizes an already existing thing. Differs from in that the fictional element was never (mis)represented as real. Is often a result of a program that is. : Anna Wintour mustve gone on some kind of sabbatical and put someone with real taste in charge of the February issue of Vogue, because a truly worthy model has finally made the cover. 'Limonana', a type of lemonade popular in the Middle East and made with spearmint, gained popularity in Israel before it actually existed due to a bus-only advertising campaign, that was meant to prove the effectiveness of advertising on buses. Only after it became popular, manufacturers actually started making this drink. The franchise is a '2.5D', real-time music and drama CD series, where the episodes happen as they're released; the characters, who were originally in high school, age; the scenes take place in real places; etc.
It's also pretty. So this was inevitable. It's most notable with the series' mascots, a different animal for each pair of groups and a different color for each member. They've also defictionalized several plays and events that the characters have been said to perform in in the story, making them into real-life stage plays.:. The Hackmaster from the gamer comic.
Rather than being created from scratch, the Hackmaster rules set was actually licensed from Wizards of the Coast and was, more or less, a reprint of the D&D 1st Edition rules with a great deal more snarkiness, and in-universe references thrown in. All but one page of the Players Handbook was written as though this were a book being published in-universe by the Hard 8 staff, including long diatribes about using male pronouns by default as a writing convention and insisting that female dwarfs have beards. Hackmaster has now entered its second edition (or fifth, since the first edition was published as the fourth because the KODT characters were playing fourth edition in the comic at the time the system was licensed), and been seriously overhauled into a new system, as Kenzer & Co's license with Wizards expired.
Dawg the RPG: A failed game designed by BA in which you get to play a dog. The rules were recently published in the back half of the double-sized KODT #150.
One strip has Jason ◊ by the name of '. Blizzard. The 'Lisa's Legacy' breast cancer walk featured in has become.:. The comic featured an annual event called Sadie Hawkins Day, an event where women would chase men down and forcibly marry them. To this day, schools often hold Sadie Hawkins Day dances in which female students are expected to invite boys instead of the usual arrangement. This, despite the fact that Li'l Abner went out of print over thirty years ago.
A Sadie Hawkins Day dance was actually a plot point in one episode of. The Thagomizer (the spiked tail on a Stegosaurus and similar dinosaurs) got its name from, where it was named after 'the late Thag Simmons'. In an example of and just overall fandom, paleontologists have been using the name themselves, as they realized that the part did not have a standardized name before.:. As a matter of principle, Bill Watterson always refused any kind of merchandising. This does not stop people creating pirate products. A pair of hacks actually wrote a children's book called Hamster Huey and the Gooey Kablooie.

Watterson specifically never went into detail about what happens in the book. On a more positive note, a few scientists have replaced the term 'Big Bang' with Calvin's more accurate 'Horrendous Space Kablooie' since Watterson coined the term in 1991. Some eateries offer a (originating from ), though real-life versions tend to be smaller. Dagwood's dreams of opening a sandwich business have been realized.
At least by current writer Dean Young. Ken Maynards' ◊ has been. The, of the Ivo Caprino film. A real Il tempo gigante car was used to promote the film, e.g. Driving around the Hockenheimring between races.
The car originally had an 250 hp Cadillac engine but when Niki Lauda saw it he provided them with an 7,6 ltr, 550 hp, big-block Chevrolet engine. The car also has an auxiliary jet-engine, but due to EU restrictions the vehicle is barely permitted to be used at all save for exclusive TV cameos.:. is the fictional cartoon that in was based on. It later got turned into a real series.
The action figure was highly sought-after and implied to be impossible to lay your hands on in the film. Then it became a real figure and was initially highly sought-after and impossible to lay your hands on.
Then mass production took over. This event was ported back into the movie world: in, Tour Guide makes reference to it.
Pull back to reveal an entire aisle of. It should go without saying, but just about any fictional toy in the films became a real toy, too, including the cast of Woody's Roundup, in both kid and adult collector's form. The latter becomes especially hilarious given a certain antagonist of a collector in Toy Story 2. There was even a replica of Pizza Planet at Walt Disney World's Disney Hollywood Studios. The video game that Rex plays at the beginning of Toy Story 2 was later made into a level for the tie-in video game for Toy Story 3. There were actually two versions of the made for.
One was a plastic toy with Anastasia inside,. The Detroit Zoo snow globe featured in is another example requested by fans.:. The book. Unfortunately though, it doesn't come with a small brush with which you can brush the kitties' fur. The 'it's so fluffy!'
Unicorn can also be had, complete with sticking out tongue. Super Silly Fun Land opened in April 2014 at Universal Studios Hollywood.:. There is actually a real-life version of the Shepherd's Journal created as a tie-in to Disney's, as with a fake visitor's guide. At Robo Games 2015, a real-life prototype of the neurocranial transmitter headband from was exhibited. It was tested by none other than.:.
As is about the repentant villain of a fictional video game, it was inevitable for that fictional video game to go through the defictionalization treatment. And then they defictionalize the concept of game jumping by having Ralph appear in.
And now Ralph has his own games on the Wii, DS and 3DS. And now somebody took the game Fix-It Felix Jr. And. And for a time at both the Starcade at Disneyland and at DisneyQuest at Disney World, there were real Fix-It Felix Jr. The sitcom was a show about Bob McKay, a man who created a Silver Age comic book character called 'Mad Dog', which was revived and 'reinvisioned' for the '90s. During the run of the show, published that was one half the 50s version, and the other half the 90s, with things like an 'Ask Bob McKay' feature in the middle., of course, has the website from the show itself; a recent addition to its list of merchandise is Sam's remote.
In addition, have begun making their very own spaghetti tacos after seeing them on the show. In one episode of, Lizzie was inspired to spend more time with her mother after reading a novel titled The Orchids and Gumbo Poker Club for a school assignment. Disney later published an actual novel with that title, with notes from Lizzie included in the margins. had a real concert tour in the late 2000's. It was a sold out tour that actually lead to a couple lawsuits against ticket scalpers!
The concert tied into the Hannah Montana show because some of the footage from the tour was used in the second season. The concert featured Hannah for the first half, and Miley Stewart (who had no problem revealing her secret in front of tens of thousands of people, but the audience knows that since they've seen the show) for the second half. The concert was released as a movie after the tour in 2008, and a real movie based on the show was made in 2009. was centered on Los Angeles County Fire Department Station 51. The number was chosen because the didn't have one.
(The one appearing on-screen was actually Station 127 in Carson.) In 1994, the County fire station at Universal City — site of Universal Studios Hollywood — was changed from 60 to 51 in honor of the show. Mackenzie Falls, one of the featured on Sonny, later became real (though as a short series that aired between commercials).
as a real life show happened as well. In fact, one commercial actually referred to it as The that's now its own show. Note In fairness, this was mostly because had to leave her own show to get treated for various psychological problems, thus ending the series proper. But with one thing that never got resolved (If Sonny and Chad ever reconciled and got back together).
Sonny also had a and a, both of which were actual So Random episodes. (The only bit of the Sonny show was in the afformentioned Halloween episode when they try to find the guest host to show up on the said episode.). has the radio show Healing Princess, which has actually been released on 's website and has even been. They are also marketing real-world copies of the heroes' clothing, complete with the Windscale designer's imprint. Naturally, the belts for all the riders can be bought.
Some series even have a 1:1 scale replica made for adult fans under Bandai's 'Complete Selection Modification' series of belts. follows in its predecessor's footsteps with the that the titular Rider wears in-show. In, the lead hero uses a video game called Mighty Action X, a -esque platformer, as his. To promote the show, Mighty Action X was released on the Japanese Nintendo 3DS eShop as a downloadable title for players who purchased the 1st print of. There's also a version of the Buggle Driver Zwei with a trapped Bugster!Kuroto Dan in its display released. Despite not having the in-show YouTube expy Vuuugle defictionalized, you can watch the actual web videos from the Vuuugle channel (with some not seen on TV) as well as some from the other Vuuugle channels 'Perfect Perfection with Amelia' and 'DARE ME BRO!' On.
You can buy an ebook version of Kathryn Kennish's book from about the switch. In 2004, the American and Wal-Mart teamed up to produce Enchantment, a perfume that previously had existed only as a product of Erica Kane's cosmetic company on. Kendall Hart's book, Charm!, was also released as a real book. And in-universe, Kendall's book described a perfume made by her. It was a vehicle where Stephen Colbert would basically, in a megalomaniacal way, bring his opinions to the fore of the issue of the day.
It was very funny. Quite a joke.
Anyway, Comedy Central ended up buying the show. Vince Gilligan was asked, 'Is there really such a thing as Blue crystal meth?' He responded, 'There is now.' .
is an actual website. The donation button at the bottom of the page once linked to the National Cancer Coalition's website where visitors could donate to them, but the link was replaced with one to the official Breaking Bad website after the NCC was named one of the worst charities in America. The shows resident wacky guy/lech Barney proudly proclaimed that there was a written Bro Code, that all Bros must follow. An actual written version was released into book stores.
Also available are 'Bro on the Go' and 'The Playbook'. Pretty much every website that the show mentions by the showrunners.
Robin's music videos from her 'Robin Sparkles' Canadian teen idol days were only seen in excerpts in the show, but are available in full online (and are awesomely bad) at Robin Sparkle's. ', which includes a 22-minute song about how horrible Ted (actually, Barney using his name) was to the woman who made the webpage. (sponsored by Barney's fictional employer Goliath National Bank), which is available in both 'awesome' and 'not-as-awesome' resolutions.
They're not wrong. It's awesome!., which is basically. Along with being one of the longest of.
was a real-life charity auction of How I Met Your Mother swag. Sadly now defunct., which includes every single act mentioned in the show, complete with an age verification system, bilingual warnings from the Canadian government about content, and a disclaimer regarding 'any possible physical or emotional trauma suffered as a result of undertaking any of the acts described'. The links for each act are hilarious.
Every link is to a different picture of Alan Thicke (of Growing Pains) captioned with a variety of 'sorry, we're experiencing technical difficulties' explanations in exaggerated Canadian English. There was a too, counting down to the Slapsgiving episode, but honestly it was just a timer so it was pretty boring., which is hilarious.
has had a few examples. The novel Bad Twin is supposedly written by a passenger in the plane crash which occurred in the pilot episode.
Remember the guy who got sucked into the airplane engine before it blew up?., a BBC Radio comedy from the 1930s, featured a fictional cleaning product called Askitoff (slogan: Askitoff Will Take It Off), named after the star, Arthur Askey. Askey was prohibited from taking advantage of this new brand name by his BBC contract, but this didn't stop an reaching the marketplace within weeks. used to be a spoof radio station which employed.
In 2006, a real commercial station named 99.9 Radio Norwich was launched (and still exists as of 2012). After kept urging his radio listeners to buy the imaginary novel 'I, Libertine' by 'Frederick R. Ewing', the demand was so great that Ballantine hired to actually write it.
The Imperial Infantryman's Uplifting Primer, an given to members of the in, is actually available for purchase. It's filled with the amount of propaganda, disinformation, and blatant lies that you'd expect for the setting ('while sneaking up on the enemy, recite the to reduce your chances of being heard'). Also the lengthy 'Blessing of the Bomb', to be recited after pulling the pin of a grenade but before throwing it to ensure accuracy. has produced a few published versions of ( Chronicles of the Black Labyrinth for, Rites of the Dragon for, etc.), game symbols (clan pins for, tribal glyph necklaces for Werewolf, and clan and covenant pins for Requiem), and even Tarot decks (one for, and one for ) for its Worlds of Darkness. The darker materials above and many others were released under the label 'Black Dog,' White Wolf's in-universe analogue of themselves in (a subsidiary of Pentex, of course — so they naturally produce role-playing games that actually have the effects on children that warns of). White Wolf's Arthaus, like TSR before it, also produced Tarokka decks like those used by the Vistani of.
Though intended as game props, some people have used them as a Tarot substitute in actual attempts at fortune-telling. Although its philosophical underpinnings were already well established in the real world at the time of writing, was first codified and named in as the basis of a speculative future economic system. Ironically, within the game world itself it wouldn't be invented until the 2030s. The Book of Exalted Deeds and The Book of Vile Darkness are minor artifacts that, when read, grant power to the reader if he is of the correct alignment. Wizards later released splatbooks by the same names that enabled you to make your characters more powerful. It is possible to buy a. (Nondimentional space not included).
Several legendary in-universe books from have seen print as sourcebooks in, including The Book of Three Circles, The White Treatise, The Black Treatise, Oadenol's Codex, and The Thousand Correct Actions of the Upright Soldier. Sadly, perhaps the most prominent and significant of these in the setting, The Broken-Winged Crane, only exists as a PDF containing material that should have been in Manual of Exalted Power: Infernals, but had to be cut for word count reasons. —. The special Edition version of came in a lunchbox designed like the one in the game (An item that in-game is used to build land mines), and came packaged with 1 limited edition bobblehead, which can be collected in meatspace as well as in the game world. Another special edition came with a pip-boy alarm clock that could actually be worn.
(for those wishing to emulate the Vault Dweller). The card game Caravan is an invention of the developers, but can also be played in real life since it uses a standard deck of 52 playing cards. ED-E's alert jingle is available as a cellphone ringtone.
Behold. We now have '. The is now available to use. You can now have your own. In time for, you can also buy. The special edition of includes a defictionalized Pip-Boy.
If you install the Pip-Boy app on your phone, sync it to your game, and slot your phone into the Pip-Boy, you can actually access your in-game Pip-Boy from outside the game!. After release they made a mini fridge patterned after the games distinctive Nuka-Cola machines. Since the original game, the -games have had have featured an anti-radiation drug called Rad-X. Much later, when a real anti-radiation drug was invented by Onconova Therapeutics, they dubbed it Ex-Rad., the character EGM cooked up for its infamous April Fool's gag in 1992 and whose name was based on a mistranslation of Ryu's win quote, when Capcom announced that Gouken (the legendary master of Ryu and Ken and the brother of Akuma) would be a hidden character in, and later a member of the Super Street Fighter IV roster since the very start. What makes this even better?
Gouken resembles the original Sheng Long images EGM made for the gag and (in one way or another) has every move that EGM listed Sheng Long as having. For the Japanese release of (and later the Deluxe Box), a promotional item based on the Franklin Badge was made. As there are no item sprites in the games, an all new design had to be made. The design later appeared unmodified in Brawl as a usable item. and tried it. He wasn't fond of the end result. At one point of the game, Orange Kid mentions an invention he's creating that will turn boiled eggs back into raw eggs.:.
Papa Louie Arcade has real-life 'Flipdecks', which were online cards available for viewing on Flipline Studios' website for a number of years. Flipline Studios announced in 2014 that they were building a real-life Papa's Taco Mia!, like the one in their 2011 game. Later it was revealed that it was an April Fools' joke.
games since Melee have featured. Now, those trophies have come to reality in the form of ' figures based on the cast of the Wii U and 3DS games, which can be used to interact with Super Smash Bros. For Wii U and 3DS. One game in the series,.hack//Fragment, is an online-multiplayer version of the original games. This, in essence, turned the series's fictional MMO, The World, into a real-world MMO.
A few Japanese online shops sell drinkable potions from the series. No guarantee it will actually, though. The edition actually worked as a fairly decent energy drink during conventions. There are tales though of the legendary medicine taste of the edition still floating around the internet. The version tastes like flat Dr Pepper (!) with a strong aftertaste of persimmon.
Thinkgeek sells both and potions. In 2014, Microsoft actually unveiled called, and even got Cortana's voice actress, Jen Taylor, to record its American English voice. Since the program includes a function that lets the user choose a name for Cortana to call them, quite a few Halo fans have gone the extra mile and set it up so that Cortana calls them 'Master Chief'. She also has several unique responses if she's being asked. Apparently, rejected a proposal to include Commander Shepard's pistol in the collector's edition of. The in-world xenophilia porn magazine Fornax can actually be found on various hentai sites around the internet now.
In action, folks. Inverted with the N7 hoodie, a real-life outfit based on Shepard's armor, which is available for Shepard him/herself in the Collector's Edition of.:.: Somehow, a slightly altered version of Morrigan's made it onto the cover of the January 2011 issue of Marie Claire. In, Varric becomes well-known as the author of the popular crime novel Hard in Hightown.
It also gets mentioned (along with some of his other stories) in, where it can be found as a series of codex entries. Mary Kirby, Varric's writer, released the codex entries, with expanded scenes and illustrations, in summer 2018. According to the cover, has even reviewed it already.:. There were pre-order bonuses for all three games that were the watches/bracelets the characters in the game wore. To commemorate the announcement of, a real life escape room has been designed after the game. For a limited time, fans can participate in a light version of the Nonary Game.:. Monokuma plushies aren't just for sale, there are multiple places selling ones of various quality from spot-on to shoddy.
Thankfully these Monokumas don't explode. It's probably only a matter of time before someone sticks a walking drone in one. Additionally cosplays for just about everyone are easily purchased online and some of them can easily be used in any outfit, like Naegi's hoodie.
gives us an in-universe example. Tsumugi Shirogane, the Ultimate Cosplayer, recreated something from her favorite series. That series is Danganronpa and the thing she recreated is the killing game. She is the mastermind this time around.:. Limozeen held a live performance.
It included a guest appearance by Schenkel McDoo, the fictional lead singer of Taranchula, another in the universe. Before that, Strong Bad's song 'Trogdor' and Limozeen's hit song 'Because, It's Midnite' appeared in II and Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks The Eighties respectively (the CD containing the songs was actually released in 2003). Strong Bad has long used a lighter with the BMW logo on it. At the time, there was no such lighter in real life, but BMW would later give their license for BMW lighters, very likely due to Strong Bad's influence. On April Fool's Day 2015, Strong Bad briefly discussed this trope in a parody of the ThinkGeek example (See 'Web Original').
'It's only fake unless enough of you say you'll buy one, in which case SUPPORT MY CROWDFUNDING CAMPAIGN!' . Sarge of once made an off-hand joke about turning his least favorite soldier into target practice being 'the best game since Grifball!'
Then the Forge map creator came out for, and the makers of the machinima suddenly had the tools to design their own custom match type. Bungie even went so far as to make the underground segment to an additional map, Sandpit, to the exact specifications of the original Grifball arena. Grifball is also extremely popular as a weekend playlist in matchmaking; there are even!. Hell, in, it became an official game-type, with its own icon and Announcer line!., another original, made a couple of clothing items seen on the show into actual merchandise, such as Ruby's pajama pants, Nora's Boop shirt and Jaune's Pumpkin Pete Hoodie.
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Not to mention actual Pumpkin Pete cereal, with Pyrrha on the box. Genki Rockets, the virtual in-house band of (, etc.), have two real albums. 's —so now you can actually play.
Now let's just hope someone does the same with. Also it is extremely weird to have multiple albums' worth of music by a fictional (for now?) band. The chupaqueso from was originally a fictional food that resembled a burrito in appearance and sold at the Tacobufa restaurants and vending machines. After enough fans asked the author, Howard Tayler, finally posted a. A transpired regarding the absolutely delicious-sounding. was published as an actual book.
In the same vein as, the published version is an annotated copy containing scholarly analysis of the Maxims. There was also an option for a defaced version, the copy given to General Tagon when he was a new recruit with handwritten commentary from a number of different characters. as seen in strip. of features Hitlerella relaxing in a sleeved blanket adorned with swastikas. The reads, 'If anyone actually creates a blanket like this, do me a favor and never ever tell me.' .
The website has a store where you can buy, among other things, shirts for all the kids and trolls in the latest series,. The fans have also been working on coding some of the fictional computer programs shown in the adventure, most notably the PesterChum instant messaging service, now available. Additionally, the has a real webpage, which is shown just as it looks in the comic and even has a redirect from.