The Complexity Of Nonuniform Random Number Generation Pdf Download
The ziggurat algorithm is an for. Belonging to the class of algorithms, it relies on an underlying source of uniformly-distributed random numbers, typically from a, as well as precomputed tables. The algorithm is used to generate values from a. It can also be applied to, such as the, by choosing a value from one half of the distribution and then randomly choosing which half the value is considered to have been drawn from.
- The Complexity Of Nonuniform Random Number Generation Pdf Download Free
- The Complexity Of Nonuniform Random Number Generation Pdf Download Online
It was developed by and others in the 1960s.A typical value produced by the algorithm only requires the generation of one random floating-point value and one random table index, followed by one table lookup, one multiply operation and one comparison. Sometimes (2.5% of the time, in the case of a normal or when using typical table sizes) more computations are required. Nevertheless, the algorithm is computationally much faster than the two most commonly used methods of generating normally distributed random numbers, the and the, which require at least one logarithm and one square root calculation for each pair of generated values.
However, since the ziggurat algorithm is more complex to implement it is best used when large quantities of random numbers are required.The term ziggurat algorithm dates from Marsaglia's paper with Wai Wan Tsang in 2000; it is so named because it is conceptually based on covering the probability distribution with rectangular segments stacked in decreasing order of size, resulting in a figure that resembles a. The Ziggurat algorithm used to generate sample values with a. (Only positive values are shown for simplicity.) The pink dots are initially uniform-distributed random numbers.
The desired distribution function is first segmented into equal areas 'A'. One layer i is selected at random by the uniform source at the left. Then a random value from the top source is multiplied by the width of the chosen layer, and the result is x tested to see which region of the slice it falls into with 3 possible outcomes: 1) (left, solid black region) the sample clearly under the curve and is passed directly to output, 2) (right, vertically striped region) the sample value may lie under the curve, and must be tested further. In that case, a random y value within the chosen layer is generated and compared to f(x).
If less, the point is under the curve and the value x is output. If not, (the third case), the chosen point x is rejected and the algorithm is restarted from the beginning.
Contents.Theory of operation The ziggurat algorithm is a rejection sampling algorithm; it randomly generates a point in a distribution slightly larger than the desired distribution, then tests whether the generated point is inside the desired distribution. If not, it tries again. Given a random point underneath a probability density curve, its x coordinate is a random number with the desired distribution.The distribution the ziggurat algorithm chooses from is made up of n equal-area regions; n − 1 rectangles that cover the bulk of the desired distribution, on top of a non-rectangular base that includes the tail of the distribution.Given a monotone decreasing probability density function f( x), defined for all x ≥ 0, the base of the ziggurat is defined as all points inside the distribution and below y 1 = f( x 1). This consists of a rectangular region from (0, 0) to ( x 1, y 1), and the (typically infinite) tail of the distribution, where x x 1 (and y x 1, it is always more complex than a more direct implementation. The fallback algorithm, of course, depends on the distribution.For an exponential distribution, the tail looks just like the body of the distribution.
One way is to fall back to the most elementary algorithm E = −ln( U 1) and let x = x 1 − ln( U 1). Another is to call the ziggurat algorithm and add x 1 to the result.For a normal distribution, Marsaglia suggests a compact algorithm:. Let x = −ln( U 1)/ x 1.
Let y = −ln( U 2). If 2 y x 2, return x + x 1. Otherwise, go back to step 1.Since x 1 ≈ 3.5 for typical table sizes, the test in step 3 is almost always successful.
Estimated H-index: 5 (Qualcomm) The advent of quantum computing threatens to break many classical cryptographic schemes, leading to innovations in public key cryptography that focus on post-quantum cryptography primitives and protocols resistant to quantum computing threats. Lattice-based cryptography is a promising post-quantum cryptography family, both in terms of foundational properties as well as in its application to both traditional and emerging security problems such as encryption, digital signature, key exchange, and h. Estimated H-index: 36 (University of California, Berkeley) In this paper, we systematize the modeling of probabilistic systems for the purpose of analyzing them with model counting techniques. Starting from unbiased coin flips, we show how to model biased coins, correlated coins, and distributions over finite sets. From there, we continue with modeling sequential systems, such as Markov chains, and revisit the relationship between weighted and unweighted model counting. Thereby, this work provides a conceptual framework for deriving #SAT encodings for p. The problem of exactly generating a general random process (target process) by using another general random process (coin process) is studied.
The performance of the interval algorithm, introduced by Han and Hoshi, is analyzed from the perspective of information spectrum approach. When either the coin process or the target process has one point spectrum, the asymptotic optimality of the interval algorithm among any random number generation algorithms is proved, which demonstrates utility of the. Estimated H-index: 1 (Thales Communications) The Renyi divergence is a measure of closeness of two probability distributions which has found several applications over the last years as an alternative to the statistical distance in lattice-based cryptography.
A tight bound has recently been presented for the Renyi divergence of distributions that have a bounded relative error. We show that it can be used to bound the precision requirement in Gaussian sampling to the IEEE 754 floating-point standard double precision for usual lattice-based s. Estimated H-index: 54 (Katholieke Universiteit Leuven) Sampling from a discrete Gaussian distribution is an indispensable part of lattice-based cryptography. Several recent works have shown that the timing leakage from a non-constant-time implementation of the discrete Gaussian sampling algorithm could be exploited to recover the secret. In this paper, we propose a constant-time implementation of the Knuth-Yao random walk algorithm for performing constant-time discrete Gaussian sampling.
The Complexity Of Nonuniform Random Number Generation Pdf Download Free
Since the random walk is dictated by a set of input random bit. Estimated H-index: 2 (York University) Probabilistic bisimilarity is an equivalence relation that captures which states of a labelled Markov chain behave the same. Since this behavioural equivalence only identifies states that transition to states that behave exactly the same with exactly the same probability, this notion of equivalence is not robust. Probabilistic bisimilarity distances provide a quantitative generalization of probabilistic bisimilarity.
The distance of states captures the similarity of their behaviour. Estimated H-index: 17 (CityU: City University of Hong Kong) Considering the limited throughput of a true random number generator (TRNG), the time independence of speed in a real discrete Gaussian sampler design was usually sacrificed. By utilizing the broadband chaos from an optically injected semiconductor laser with heterodyning, we propose a laser-field-programmable gate array system which generates discrete Gaussian numbers with a time-invariant throughput of 35.7 and 7.8 MSPS on Zedboard for two ring learning with errors schemes. Applying the propos.
(RAS: Russian Academy of Sciences) We consider the problems of transforming random variables over finite sets by discrete functions. We describe the problems of exact and approximate expression of random variables as functions of other random variables from the point of view of universal algebra and provide a review of results in the area.

The Complexity Of Nonuniform Random Number Generation Pdf Download Online
Sufficient conditions are obtained for a system of transforming functions to allow the approximation of an arbitrary probability distribution on a finite set using a given nondegenerate initial.