Binary Star Download Zip
Author:Horst DrechselISBN:Genre:ScienceFile Size:70.9 MBFormat:PDF, MobiDownload:721Read:259An international conference entitled 'Zdenek Kopal's Binary Star Legacy' was held on the occasion of the late Professor Kopal's 90th birthday in his home town of Litomyšl/Czech Republic and dedicated to the memory of one of the leading astronomers of the 20th century. Professor Kopal, who devoted 60 years of his scientific life to the exploration of close binary systems, initiated a breakthrough in this field with his description of binary components as non-spherical stars deformed by gravity, with surfaces following Roche equipotentials. Such knowledge triggered the development of new branches of astrophysics dealing with the structure and evolution of close binaries and the interaction effects displayed by exciting objects such as cataclysmic variables, symbiotic stars or X-ray binaries. Contributions to this conference included praise of the achievements of a great astronomer and personal reminiscences brought forward by Kopal's former students and colleagues, and reflected the state of the art of the dynamically evolving field of binary research, which owes so much to the pioneering work of Zdenek Kopal. Author:Nader HaghighipourISBN:Genre:ScienceFile Size:34.87 MBFormat:PDF, ePub, MobiDownload:382Read:789In 1988, in an article on the analysis of the measurements of the variations in the radial velocities of a number of stars, Campbell, Walker, and Yang reported an - teresting phenomenon;the radial velocity variations of Cephei seemed to suggest the existence of a Jupiter-like planet around this star. This was a very exciting and, at the same time, very surprising discovery.
Binary Star Download Zip
It was exciting because if true, it would have marked the detection of the?rst planet outside of our solar system. It was surprising because the planet-hosting star is the primary of a binary system with a separation less than 19 AU, a distance comparable to the planetary distances in our solar system. The moderatelyclose orbit of the stellar companionof Cephei raised questions about the reality of its planet.
The skepticism over the interpretation of the results (which was primarily based on the idea that binary star systems with small sepa- tions would not be favorable places for planet formation) became so strong that in a subsequent paper in 1992, Walker and his colleagues suggested that the planet in the Cephei binary might not be real, and the variations in the radial velocity of this star might have been due to its chromospheric activities. Author:Sarah GerardISBN:262Genre:FictionFile Size:61.74 MBFormat:PDF, ePub, DocsDownload:709Read:864.Los Angeles Times Book Prize Finalist.A Best Book of 2015 —NPR, BuzzFeed,Vanity Fair, Flavorwire, Largehearted Boy 'Rhythmic, hallucinatory, yet vivid as crystal. Gerard has channeled her trials and tribulations into a work of heightened reality, one that sings to the lonely gravity of the human body.' —NPR The language of the stars is the language of the body. Like a star, the anorexic burns fuel that isn't replenished; she is held together by her own gravity.

With luminous, lyrical prose, Binary Star is an impassioned account of a young woman struggling with anorexia and her long-distance, alcoholic boyfriend. On a road-trip circumnavigating the United States, they stumble into a book on veganarchism, and believe they've found a direction. Binary Star is an intense, fast-moving saga of two young lovers and the culture that keeps them sick (or at least inundated with quick-fix solutions); a society that sells diet pills, sleeping pills, magazines that profile celebrities who lose weight or too much weight or put on weight, and books that pimp diet secrets or recipes for success. 'The particular genius of Binary Star is that out of such grim material in constructs beauty.
It's like a novel-shaped poem about addiction, codependence and the relentlessness of the everyday, a kind of elegy of emptiness.' —New York Times Book Review. Author:Josef KallrathISBN:991Genre:ScienceFile Size:70.56 MBFormat:PDF, KindleDownload:747Read:302Astronomers learn much of what they know about the mass, brightness, and size of stars by observing binary systems, in which two stars orbit each other, periodically cutting off the others light. This book provides astronomers with a guide to specifying an astrophysical model for a set of observations, selecting an algorithm to determine the parameters of the model, and estimating the errors of the parameters.
Author:Eugene F. MiloneISBN:446Genre:ScienceFile Size:45.40 MBFormat:PDF, ePub, DocsDownload:177Read:1116This book explores cataclysmic variables with and without strong, overpowering magnetic fields. You’ll read about stars with densities ranging from that of the Sun to the degenerate matter of white dwarfs to the ultra-compact states of neutron stars and black holes. One of the objects examined and discussed is the Double Pulsar, highlighting what observations have told us about fundamental physics. CampbellISBN:Genre:ScienceFile Size:46.70 MBFormat:PDF, DocsDownload:668Read:1256Magnetic stresses were discussed as a possible means of angular momentum transport in the development of accretion disc theory, in the late sixties and early seventies. Interest in the role of magnetic fields in close binary stars steadily increased after the discovery of the nature of AM Herculis in 1976. The observed lack of an accretion disc and the synchronous rotation of the white dwarf suggested strong magnetic effects, consistent with the high degree of optical polarization.
Similar systems were soon discovered. Evidence for large magnetic fields was subsequently found in the X-ray binary pulsars and the intermediate polar binaries, both believed to include systems with partially disrupted accretion discs. A magnetically channelled wind from the main sequence secondary star has been invoked to explain the higher mass transfer rates observed in binaries above the period gap, and in an explanation of the gap.
Binary Star Group
Magnetically influenced winds from accretion discs have been suggested as contributing to the inflow by removing angular momentum. Magnetism in binary stars is now an area of central importance in stellar astrophysics. Magnetic fields are believed to playa fundamental role even in apparently non-magnetic binaries.
They provide the most viable means, through shear instabilities, of generating the turbulence in accretion discs necessary to drive the inflow via the resulting magnetic and viscous stresses. MiloneISBN:Genre:ScienceFile Size:39.18 MBFormat:PDF, ePubDownload:359Read:796In the two decades since the development of the first eclipsing-binary modeling code, new analytic techniques and the availability of powerful, sometimes dedicated computing facilities have made possible vastly improved determinations of fundamental and even transient stellar parameters. The scale of these developments, of course, raises questions about modeling tools, techniques, and philosophies, such as: Who will maintain and upgrade the codes? Will the codes be open to improvement by outsiders, and if so, how? And, indeed, what should be the goals of a modeling program?
Such questions had not been aired for a long time and, for this reason alone, deserved to be discussed in as general a forum as the community provides. This volume contains material presented by Commission 42 (Close Binary Stars) during the International Astronomical Union's XXI General Assembly in Argentina, July 1991, and during IAU Colloquium 151, Cordoba, Argentina, August 1991.
Binary Star Names
Generic bluetooth adapter microsoft download. The techniques discussed include simulations of stellar bright and dark spots, streams, partial and complete stellar disks, prominences, and other features characterizing active stars; modeling of polarization parameters; models that use radial velocities as well as line profile simulations to model velocity field variation across stellar disks; the weighted effects of brightness asymmetries; and models for translucent eclipsing agents such as stellar winds.